Discover High-Quality Reference Standards for Analytical Testing at Dawn Scientific

Reference Standards: In the pharmaceutical industry, reference standards play a vital role in ensuring accurate and reliable results for analytical methods. These standards are highly purified compounds that are well characterized and designated by regulatory bodies like the FDA or by companies and laboratories themselves. They are essential for measuring the potency of drugs and comparing them to known standards. Reference standards are used to assess the quality, purity, and potency of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and drug products. They are also utilized for determining quantitative and qualitative data, as well as for calibration purposes. Different types of reference standards exist, including laboratory-made, company, official, primary, secondary, and supplementary standards. The quality and purity of these standards are crucial in obtaining scientifically valid outcomes. Its uses for the analytical studies are Essay, Identification tests, Limit tests for related substances, Analytical method validation, System suitability for analysis techniques and in particular spectroscopic and chromatographic analysis."

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Liquid Standards (39)